Decision Review Process

In the event that a Client is refused a service based on discretionary decision making by the WorkBC Centre (rather than Ministry policy, legislation, Client eligibility or budget availability), and the Client believes that the refusal was not justified, the WorkBC Centre will offer the Client an opportunity to have a decision reviewed by a neutral third-party reviewer, who has sufficient knowledge and expertise to provide a fair, objective and informed opinion.

Confidentiality for Clients using this process is assured. All parties involved in the Decision Review Process are expected to keep the issues strictly confidential and Clients are encouraged to utilize this process with confidence – there will be no negative repercussions for taking this course of action. Decisions follow the principles of administrative fairness. As services are provided based on assessed need and eligibility, rather than entitlement, there is no option for clients who disagree with the
neutral third-party’s decision to appeal to the Ministry.

Applying the WorkBC Centre's experience in resolving conflict to the Decision Review Process will ensure fair and transparent resolution to issues raised by Clients, other service providers, government bodies or the general public.

WorkBC Centres will incorporate all feedback received within service delivery operations to improve the WorkBC client experience and provide continuous improvement to services. The Decision Review Process is as follows: